Develop yourself

This section is designed to support SQA Appointees ongoing learning

This training will provide an overview of the role and responsibilities of an Appointee.

This short course is for Appointees, it looks at the various elements involved in keeping data safe and confidential.

Hints and guidance to help candidates properly prepare for SQA interviews for senior Appointee roles.

Sometimes you simply don’t have time to sit down and complete a full course. Sometimes you only have 5 minutes or so but that can still be enough to pick up some top tips and best practises and that is what our Tea Breaks are – a short video section which each focus on one particular aspect of learning and which you can do in the time it takes you to have a cup of tea

Assertiveness can be defined as a confident, positive form of communication where we express our views or ask for what we need without being aggressive or abusive towards anybody else. This short course will highlight what assertive is and how to apply this skill.

Being able to communicate effectively, engage with people, involve and include them while also getting your message across, is a skill we all have a need for in our working lives and this short course looks at ways to develop in this area.

Being organised – planning and preparing for the key events in your work – is a useful skill for all appointees and this short course looks at the fundamentals of this.

Welcome to the SQA course on Equality and Diversity. This course has been designed to raise awareness of the Equality Act (2010) and is suitable for all appointees.